Date:      Tuesday, August 7, 2019

Time: 6:00 P.M.

Place: SugArena at Acadiana Fairgrounds

713 Northwest Bypass

     New Iberia, LA


Meeting Called To Order

    Chairman Kathy Fouquier called meeting to order

    Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Present: Kathy Fouquier, Michael Lopresto, Pat Carlyon, Donald Segura, Chad Broussard, Alice Faul , Chris Ditch and Allison Estes

Absent: None

Guests: John Piel

Staff: Lori LeBlanc


Approval of Minutes of June 18, 2019 Meeting

    Moved by Pat Carlyon, 2nd by Donald Segura, Motion Passed. All in favor, mintues approved.    


Public Comments N/A



Finance Report

    Arena Manager Lori Leblanc provided the commission with the budget report for the month of July 2019 as well as a month to month comparison of the arena accounts starting from January 2019-July 2019.




Election of Chairman and Vice-Chair

Donald Segura nominated Michael Lopresto for Chairman of the board, 2nd by Pat Carolyn, Motion passed. All in favor. Michael Lopresto is the new Chairman of the Board.


Christopher Ditch nominated Pat Carolyn for Vice-chairman of the board, 2nd by Michael Lopresto, Motion Passed. All in favor. Pat Carolyn is the Vice-chairman of the board.


Old Business

Alice Faul discussed the need for the bathrooms in the rear of the facility needing to be utilized for the contestants. Commission will revisit this discussion at a later date.


New Business

Chris Ditch started a discuss about changing the cost of renting the roping chutes (only) for practice from $150.00 for to 2 hours to $30.00 per hour. Moved by Chris Ditch 2nd by Pat Carolyn, motion passed. All in favor.



Blair Hebert discussed the ideas of the 4-H students planting trees at the SugArena to honor the livestock kids that have passed away in the passed years.


Donald Segura discussed the idea of adding tie-up area near the warm-up area in honor of the late Patsy Rhinehart.


The commission also discussed a few issues of things needing repair around the facility.



Adjournment- Motion passed at 7:45 p.m.