Emergency Shelter Rules
Sheltering of Animals at Sugarena at Times of Disaster Flooding
SugArena and Sheltering Animals in Disasters
It is not the policy of Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission to shelter livestock. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission understands that a disaster could create the need for a livestock shelter. This section will address the policies should a livestock shelter need to be opened while addressing problems that existed following past storms.
A. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will not shelter livestock pre-storm if a tropical cyclone threatens Iberia Parish.
1. The only facility which could be used for livestock is the SugArena located on Louisiana Highway 3212 near West Admiral Doyle Dive.
2. The SugArena is an unprotected, open pavilion. During a tropical cyclone event, livestock would be in danger of injury or death from flying debris or from roof collapse.
3. The SugArena is also used as the Iberia Parish Pickup Point in the event of a mandatory evacuation. The presence of livestock during these procedures could cause the animals to become aggressive and leave large numbers of citizens susceptible to injury or death.
4. Any livestock dropped off at SugArena pre-storm or when there is no official notification of an opened livestock shelter will be declared “abandoned.” Any party illegally dropping livestock off at SugArena will be turned over to the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office for possible criminal charges.
5. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission is not responsible for the injury or death of any animal(s) left at SugArena or for the injury or death of any person by livestock. Any owner delivering livestock to the SugArena, by such action, agrees that any injury or death caused by livestock will become the sole responsibility of the owner of that livestock. Any owner or person dropping off livestock to the SugArena may be required to sign a hold-harmless agreement
6. If a tropical cyclone enters the Gulf of Mexico while a livestock shelter is open, livestock owners will immediately be ordered to remove their animals and transport them to a safe area.
7. Livestock owners will be responsible for all costs associated with the shelter and transportation of their animal(s). Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission does not have the vehicle or personnel to assist in the transportation or care of animals.
a. Livestock owners will be assessed a pre-determined fee to shelter their livestock. This fee will be charged per animal, per day for the duration of each animal’s stay. These fees may include higher than market value costs to help the Parish re-coup the costs of Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission employees and security personnel working at the shelter.
b. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission reserves the right to assess fees for the following:
(1) For the feeding and care of animals that are not being cared for by their owners. This work will be contracted out and the fees will be the responsibility of the owner.
(2) For any supplies necessary to care for the animal. These supplies may include, but are not limited to: feed, hay, shavings, etc.
(3) For any damage that may occur due to an unruly or nervous animal. These repairs will be made and the owner billed.
(4) For any veterinarians care necessary for any animal. Iberia Parish Government reserves the right to order care for any injured or sick
animal being sheltered. Any bills associated with the care of the animal will be the responsibility of the owner.
(5) Any other costs associated with the animals. These may include, but are not limited to, the cost of transportation and sheltering of animals left at SugArena after the closure of the shelter.
8. A livestock shelter may be opened post-storm only if the following conditions exist:
a. There is no damage from the storm to the SugArena and the structure is deemed safe by Parish officials;
b. There are basic resources available to the SugArena to ensure the health and safety of the animals, employees and volunteers;
c. Area veterinarians have surveyed the area and deemed that a livestock shelter is necessary.
d. There are sufficient volunteers to man SugArena to supervise that the livestock is being properly taken care of;
e. There are adequate security personnel to ensure the safety and security of the livestock and the resources at the livestock shelter.
B. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will not tolerate an owner dropping off livestock at SugArena without registering the animals with the proper authorities and signing paperwork releasing Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission, the Louisiana State Animal Rescue Team and any other agencies or volunteers from liability should an animal get injured or killed or if the animal or any of the supplies and equipment that may be stolen from SugArena.
C. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission WILL NOT accept any horse, donkey or mule without evidence of a current negative Coggins test provided at the time the animal is brought to the SugArena shelter location.
A. Upon arrival at the livestock shelter and before unloading any livestock, the owner shall locate the on-duty Livestock Shelter Manager.
1. The on-duty Livestock Shelter Manager shall obtain information from the livestock owner. Information collected will include, but is not limited to the owner’s name, address and contact information, what type of livestock is to be sheltered and how many animals are being sheltered. The owner shall, upon registration, designate any parties they wish to care for the livestock while at the shelter.
a. No changes to the authorized care-givers will be accepted by phone. If an owner wishes to make care-giver changes, he or she must report to the livestock shelter, in person with a valid government identification card, to make those changes.
b. Care should be taken to ensure that livestock owner’s give the legal name of any care-giver as it is shown on their government issued identification.
c. Do not use any nickname or other names that the caregiver uses.
d. All livestock must have a halter placed on the animal to all times.
e. Livestock Shelter personnel will assign a uniquely assigned number to each animal. That number shall be placed on the halter of the animal where the animal cannot remove it.
2. The Livestock Shelter Manager will review the shelter rules and a Hold Harmless Agreement with the owner and have the owner sign acknowledging that he is in agreement.
3. The Livestock Shelter Manager shall shelter only as many animals for which there is space and volunteers to adequately care for the animals.
a. The Livestock Shelter Manager has the right to refuse to shelter to any animal that appears to be ill or injured. If there is a veterinarian onsite, it is suggested that the Livestock Shelter Manager consult with him or her to ensure that the animal should be placed within the shelter.
b. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission or their designee reserves the right to provide emergency veterinary care to any animal at the shelter that appears ill or injured in the absence of the owner. Any associated veterinary costs or medicine costs are the responsibility of the animal’s owner. If an animal is deemed too sick to remain at the shelter by a veterinarian, it will be immediately removed by the owner.
c. The owner and/or any care-giver will be required to present government issued identification, i.e. driver’s license, prior to registering his animals and upon entering to care for his animal(s). No other person, other than those listed on the registration, will be allowed entry into SugArena and/or the area assigned to that livestock owner.
4. The livestock owner will be responsible for any damage caused by their livestock to the SugArena or any Parish property located there or any injury to any employee, volunteer or other livestock owners.
5. If any animals at the shelter becomes aggressive and is a danger to any person or animal at the shelter, the owner will be notified to remove the animal immediately. If the livestock owner does not immediately remove the animal or if shelter volunteers are unable to contact the livestock owner, other arrangements will be made for the animal’s care through local veterinarians. All costs associated with the transportation, boarding or care of this animal will be the responsibility of the animal’s owner.
A. Livestock owners are responsible for all care required by sheltered animals.
1. Livestock owners are required to report to the SugArena at least one time daily to feed, water and clean-up after their animals.
2. Livestock owners are responsible for all feed, water (if utilities are interrupted) hay, shavings, medicines, etc. required to care for the animal(s) sheltered at SugArena.
a. SugArena does not expect and will not allow livestock owners to rely on donations of feed, water, hay, shavings, etc. Each owner should report daily with the supplies necessary to care for their animal(s.)
b. Upon completion of daily chores, the livestock owner must contact a livestock shelter volunteer or worker to inspect the area to ensure that the work was completed and the animal received the care it needed. The volunteer or shelter worker will note this in the Shelter Log, making sure to include the date, time and
the name of the person that inspected the area. If a livestock owner fails to clean the animal(s) area daily, this work may be contracted out and the owner will be responsible for the cost.
c. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will not buy provisions for the animals. The owner will need to supply all resources for their animal(s.) This will include food, water (if public utilities are interrupted,) hay, shavings, any other necessities not listed, and any medications the animal(s) may need. Administering of any medication to an animal is the responsibility of the owner.
3. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will not accept donations of hay. Anyone wishing to donate hay should do so through the Cattleman’s Association.
4. An animal or animals will be considered “abandoned” if no one has shown up to feed, water and clean up their animal(s) for a period lasting 48 hours.
a. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will take possession of any animal considered abandoned and it will be sold to pay for costs associated with the care of that animal.
The Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will keep the livestock shelter open only as long as it takes for flood waters to recede and the immediate danger to livestock and livestock owner is removed.
A. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will determine a date and time that the shelter will be closed. All livestock owners are expected to remove their animal(s) prior to the determined time.
1. Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission will attempt to contact each livestock owner by phone.
2. Local media will be contacted with be provided with the information on the closing of the livestock shelter and asked to print and/or broadcast this information.
3. Any animal(s) that remain at the shelter past that time will be considered abandoned. The Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office will be contacted for possible criminal charges for abandonment and the animal will be transported and boarded and all associated costs will be the responsibility of the owner.